Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal
A vasectomy is a simple and effective method of permanent sterilization for males. The only aspect of a man's life that is changed is his ability to father children. However, a vasectomy must be viewed as an irreversible procedure, it is a serious step to take and your decision should be a shared one.
Every year, nearly one half million American men choose vasectomy. Vasectomy is the most effective method of sterility.
The Effects Of A Vasectomy
Vas Deferens
Seminal Vesicles
A vasectomy leaves your reproductive system unchanged. The only difference is that sperm are blocked from traveling through the vas deferens. The prostate and seminal vesicles continue to secrete fluid which will be ejaculated during orgasm. The testes still produce sperm, but they die and are absorbed by your body. Your male hormone level remains the same, and your secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair distribution and the pitch of your voice, are not affected. A vasectomy does not affect your ability to have an erection, nor does it interfere with urination. In short, life seems just the same as before.
The Procedure
The vasectomy is started by anesthetizing a small area of the scrotum (the skin sac that the testes are in), and then making a very small incision. We are then able to move each vas to the opening and remove a small piece. The ends are then sealed using heated cautery or a suture tie.
By removing a piece of the vas and obstructing the channel, sperm is no longer able to be transported into the prostate, resulting in infertility. The operation usually takes 20 to 30 minutes, and most patients can get up and walk out of the office soon afterwards.
The Risks
The operation does have risks. As with any operation, simple or complicated, there is a chance of bleeding, pain or infection. Vasectomy has a few unique risks or complications, including recanalization. Recanalization means that, despite removing a piece of the vas and sealing the ends off, the ends grow back together, making the man fertile once again. Recanalization usually takes place within the first few months after the vasectomy. To make certain that recanalization has not occurred, patients should come in for semen checks to determine if sperm can still be found in the semen.
If you would like more information about vasectomy, or would like to schedule an appointment at Southeastern Urological Center, P.A., please call (850) 309-0400, or toll free, (800) 689-6678.
Vasectomy Reversal
Vasovasostomy (literally connection of the vas to the vas) is the surgery by which vasectomies are reversed. In the majority of cases the vas deferens can be reattached but in some cases fertility is not achieved.Fertility success, defined as return of sperm to the ejaculate, ranges from roughly 30 to 90 percent, and depends greatly on the length of time from a patient's vasectomy. The likelihood of pregnancy is somewhat lower at 30 to 60 percent and can depend on female partner factors.